Ageless Water

You want to stay young? Please come and travel to the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara precisely in the tourist area of ​​Narmada Water Park is located approximately 10 km east of Mataram.
Narmada Water Park is a park that was previously used as a bathing resort and the royal family, especially in the dry season.Built by King Anak Agung Gede Karang Asem early 19th century when the kingdom of Mataram Lombok.
This area of ​​two hectares stretching from east to west in the highlands of West Lombok. Small hills and lakes that exist in this park is a replica of the plains and lakes that exist on Mount Rinjani.
The name itself is taken from the name of Narmada waters of the Ganges in India, who named Narmadanadi. Previously, Narmada Park serves as a venue for Pakelem ceremony held on every full moon Caka fifth year (October-November). Pakelem itself is a ritual offerings to nature so as not to anger or disaster. Pakelem also be done to neutralize the natural following a natural disaster.

Previously, Pakelem ceremony is always held the King at the peak of Mount Rinjani, but as we age the King was diminishing physical abilities. As a result, the king could no longer climb to praying and offering offerings to the sacred Segara Anak Gunung Rinjani.Therefore, the King finally ordered to build a place that bernuansakan Mount Rinjani in place is lower.
So, one might say this park is a miniature of Mount Rinjani. In addition to functioning as a traditional ceremony, this park was used as the resting place of the royal family, especially during the dry season.
In this park there is a swimming pool and a Hindu temple. This place also has many springs originating from the stored water from forests and Suranadi Sesaot located at the foot of Mount Rinjani. It is believed, the water that comes out directly from these springs has efficacy ageless anyone who drank it or just wash away. Thus, water discharged from springs in the park better known as the Narmada Water Aging.

If you enter the main gate of the park is characterized by Hindus, you will immediately be treated to views of an ancient building which is right on the left side. The building was named Bale Loji. In earlier times Bale Loji used as a place to live the king and his wife.While the front hall, or rather Loji right side entrance, displayed a map of Narmada Park, which serves to facilitate you and visitors if you want to get around the water park.
Inside the park, there are still many ancient buildings and other unique that you can find. Like Gate Bracelet, Mukedes, Telaga Padmawangi, Central Light, Patandaan, Building Sakapat, Bancingah Hall, Temple hump, and Pura Lingsar.
At first, the name of Narmada is used to name a few springs that form pools and a river in the area. But over time, the community then called the Narmada to the whole complex of this park.
In the Narmada Park area there are also showers nine (miswak) which was situated on top of Segara Anak. This building includes the building sacred to Hindus and followers of the Dharma Left Tilu.
In addition to beautifully landscaped gardens of beauty and beautiful to be enjoyed, is the presence of a Hall petirtaan which has a spring that comes directly from Mount Rinjani. It is believed, petirtaan Hall was a meeting place of three water sources, namely Suranadi, Lingsar, and the Narmada.

Ageless Water

Inside the hall there are petirtaan springs that come directly from Mount Rinjani, as well as a meeting place of three other springs.Water that is in Hall petirtaan believed efficacious and can make people who drink or wash their faces with water that will remain ageless
So, if you want to get the water ageless, you must first follow the procedure which led a caretaker guard (Kuncen) in Hall petirtaan.With the guidance Kuncen you'll be guided how to perform the ritual taking of water. Furthermore, the Kuncen will tell you to pray in accordance with their respective beliefs.

Age through a series of rituals, then you can enjoy the ageless water by washing the face or with a drink. Certainly if you believe then you will stay young. At a minimum, his spirit will always be young. Hehehe.
Oh yes, to a woman if you want to travel to the Narmada Water Garden Younger expected month of the date arrived. Because, if still in a state coming months, you certainly are prohibited from entering into the Hall petirtaan. Kan had come all the way but so in vain.

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85 Responses to "Ageless Water"

  1. @Ladida : Ini emang salah satu hal sering membuat banyak orang jadi bertanya-tanya sob...bagi sebagian orang yang percaya emang benar terjadi sob... kalo menurut saya seyh tergantung kitanya sob...kalo yakin dan percaya saya yakin ini akan terjadi

  2. interesting place to be visited..
    hope that i'm going to get there soon.

  3. wow fountain of youth so want to go there.

  4. tempatnya keren neh, ada air yang konon kalau diminum bisa membawa keberuntungan. lupa saya namanya...
    kalo sempat mampir ke blog ane ya Sob,

  5. wich....jadi pengen kesana, kapan ya Allah ngasih rejeki yg banyak bt saya.

  6. lanjutkan.....

  7. Nice blog about fountain of youth. Hope to visit that place someday.

  8. I come here with love and peace

  9. Interesting topics 'm excited.

  10. hadir disini buat sahabat lama.......postingnya slalu menarik nih.........

  11. one of the awesome place, i like it... thanks to share this place my friend :)

  12. Salam Lestari Buana Nusantara ... :)

  13. The fantastic land of my country....

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  44. interesting place to be visited..
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  49. Ageless water? I hope I can try that too..

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  51. Thanks a lot for visitng me friend! ^_^ Happy Weekend! :D

  52. kunjungan perdana,.......hahay..cantik banget pemandanganya.......

  53. Thanks a lot for the visit my friend and sorry for the late visit, i wasn't at home yesterday. Hope to see u soon again! :D

  54. wooowww,.. really a nice place...

  55. Lombok is beautyfull island... ^^

  56. Hey! Happy Wednesday friend! :D Thanks for the visit! Be back soon! :D :D :D

  57. Thanks a lot my friend for visiting! :) I hope you have a great weekend! See you soon! :D :D

  58. berkunjung pagi...
    salam kenal...

  59. brknjung kawan... asyik tuch buat liburan

  60. Thanks a lot for your visit dear friend! :) HAPPY WEDNESDAY! :) See you soon again! :D

  61. yaaa terkadang hal seperti ini masih sangat tabu sekali bagi masyarakat yang modern, tapi tidak sedikit orang yang masih sangat percaya terhadap hal ini min, yaaaa tergantung dari individunya min, tapi yang paling terpenting adalah tetap berpegang teguh terhadap ajaran agama dan jangan simpang siur :-D
    terimakasih min sudah di ijinkan untuk berkomentar :-D
